Thursday, January 1, 2009

November to December

My mom is very concerned about my sleeping manner. I wonder why.

My mom said I looked like the little girl from "Monster Inc."

I looked cool in this picture, but a minute after this picture had been taken, I fell off from the sled and barried my face in the snow.

Daddy, we have been looking at the ocean for 10 minutes, are we done?

Do I look fasionable or not?
This is my name.

I rule!!!

For some reason, people say that I look like my mom, but the bad thing is my tummy looks like my mom's as well (In case you don't know, my mom is pregnant with a big tummy).

Help!!! Someone just hit me on my cheek, it is so swollened!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

September to October

I have a great daddy, he reads bible stories to me every night before I go to bed.

I am an NBA star, can't you tell?

Mommy, I think this bee costume looks cute, but can you take that hanger away?

You know why my mom has so much power at home now. If daddy and I do not obey, we will end up here for a time out.

This is a picture of mommy when she was young. Do I look like her?

Finally, mommy has a prove that she had more hair than I do now.

I love Autumn in Utah. It is pretty.

I COMMAND you to give me my food now!!!

I am a superwoman, I can brush my teeth, comb my hair and take a shower at the same time.

Mommy, I know you love me and worry that I am cold, but don't you think this is a little bit too much?

Mommy, I told you that I am not cold, look at daddy.

Ok, count how many teeth I have. 8? you are wrong, I have 10, I have two of them hidden.

Everyone, sing a Spanish song with me and quit looking at my nose and wonder what's wrong, it was just a carpet burn.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

July to August

Do I look like a crab?

My mom does not really like my kisses because they are very juicy and teethy.

Help!!! I am so stuck.

I was really offended when my mom said that I looked like some kind of movie stars in Hong Kong, but in the 1970s.

Do you know why I was so happy in this picture? my dad was tickling me, I was in pain actually!!

I had my first fortune cookie. To say it more clearly: that was my first time to steal a fortune cookie and destroy it.

Can you tell that Uncle Sunny and I are buddies.

ahhhhhh!!! What is going on, I am flying!!!

I am a sleeping beauty

I am a sleeping beast.

Do you like my swimming suit?

I love mangoes!

This is my private pool

I need more strawberries on my cake!!!

Who says babies don't like to share.

Mommy gave this as one of my birthday presents. (in case you don't know, it is her positive pregnancy test), but she just did not understand that it was a nightmare for me since I won't be the center of the universe anymore once Little Wheat comes.

Why does Trinidy have chips to eat and I've got nothing?

Month 11 to Month 12

I love grandma and grandpa, whenver I visit them, I always get what I want. Always!!!

Mom, what is this white sticky thing? I don't like it!!!

Wow!! This is COOL!!!

My mom likes to advertise herself. Look at my bib and you will understand.

Grandma, this place is hot, can we go now.

I was told that I was talented in creating noises, I understand why now.

Oh, no!!! mom just told me that due to the financial crisis, about 15 % of my college education fund is gone!!! I am crushed!!!!

Can you see me?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Month 10 to Month 11

Mama, should you feel grateful or what? you have a daughter will just sleep most of the time on planes.

Oh, no! Oh, no! where am I? What are we doing here? Put me down!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha, I finally can walk a little bit (with the help of my friend here)

Mama just learned how to make a wedding cake, and I just can't wait to learn how to devour it!!!

I just love Hong Kong, it is just so crowded here, and when I face the lobby and scream at 5:00am, I woke every neighbor up. Hahah, I love it.

My grandma is teaching me how to sit.